The Mystery Of God


I’m sitting in my room, computer on my lap, trying to figure God out. There are so many question in my mind all rushing at the same time: who is this God that generation and generations have heard about him, who is this God that is known to be the King of kings, Who is this God that we could never come up with an accurate explanation of who He is.

The mystery of God has fascinated people of all generations and He still continues to remain as a great mystery. People have tried to defined, describe and depict God in the way they believed its right. But God has proved himself to be bigger than all human classifications and categorisations. He continues to reveal himself to us in ways that sometimes least expect. He becomes so small that we can understand and experience him according to who we are and what capacity we have. But he is so big beyond our imaginations and fantasies.

That same God continued to make himself known to generations down through the ages. He revealed himself to each generation and people to the extent they could understand and experience him. They experienced God but their explanation of Him is always limited. Today, God continues to do the same in our lives as individuals and communities.

Often what and how much we understand God depend on who we are, where we came from, what we have inherited, what we have been taught and what we experienced. Based on what and how much we have understood, we as individual, have developed various images and ideas of God, some of this ideas and images may be healthy and helpful while others may be distorted and destructive.

If we really want to understand and experience God as he reveals himself to us, we have to be open and willing to go beyond some of the images and ideas of God that we have inherited and developed. God is an unlimited and absolute being, he is the creator not a creature. There is nothing and no one can be compared with. Any comparison or description will be an attempt to limit him and put him in a category. God cannot be reduced to any concept or category.

We have to admit that with our limited mind we cannot understand fully the mystery of God.  It is a lifelong process where God reveals himself to us gradually.


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Teenagers of today are under tremendous pressure to become sexually active. The word ‘wait’ is almost diminishing in their vocabulary. Most teenagers have given in to pressure and are in the process asking such question ‘Why should I wait for sex until marriage?’ Most of them seem to think that it is such an outdated, unrealistic, crazy and stupid idea to wait. For some you, this is what you are thinking, “shouldn’t we try on the shoes before we buy them? Or should we investigate further” (Dean 2011).  I know for fact that the world that we live in presents distorted ideas to make you believe that sex can be enjoyed without having any strings attached. Let me warn you that this is absolutely rubbish! When God created sex, he designed it to be enjoyed within the confines of marriage. If sex is abused it can become destructive. For this reason, I have compiled some useful insights to help you choose to save sex for marriage.

  • Sex was God’s idea to be enjoyed within the parameter of marriage

The world (for example Hollywood and MTV) thinks it is an expert on matters of sexuality but they are not. Sex was God’s idea from the beginning. He created it to be enjoyed within the confines of marriage. When God created the first human beings-Adam and Eve. He made them to be sexual beings (male and female). He blessed them to love, enjoy and bond in sexual intimacy within marriage. Therefore, it would be wrong to look at the world as the expert in sexuality. Sex was God’s great idea and not the world’s. He created it to be good and to be experienced within a marriage between a man and woman.

  • Your self-esteem will be higher

When you save sex for marriage, you have something that you would be proud of in the future. Your self -esteem will be higher. But if you get involved in premarital sex, chances are that you will feel ashamed even to share it to your close family members because you know very well it is wrong in the first place.  On the other hand, bad stories spread like bush fire! Imagine your friends knowing you having sex with someone –the story will spread in the school and the neighbourhood. It is very clear that premarital sex brings bad reputation and it does significantly contributes to poor self-esteem. Therefore, preventing premarital sex in the first place lessens the chances of depression, low self-esteem and bad reputation (Murphy 2010:54).

  • Risk of premarital pregnancy is eliminated

Saving sex for marriage prevents premarital pregnancy. Most teenagers are blinded by pressure, they want to fit in but these kind of involvement gets them into big trouble. They face the risk of getting pregnant.  As a young person, why would want to worry about another child while you yourself are still a child? It is worthless worry. Therefore, saving sex for marriage eliminates the worries of unplanned pregnancy.

  •  Sexual purity allows you to have a greater objectivity in your dating

Sexual purity is one of the virtues that seem to have gone out of fashion in our generation. However, exercising sexual purity brings honour to God, yourself and your family. This virtue allows you to make good decisions based on facts and wisdom rather than emotions. When one of you chooses to break up the relationship and decides to date someone else, there will less chances of being emotionally hurt (Murphy 2010:54).


When you choose to wait until marriage to have sex, you are more likely to appreciate sex in your marriage. ‘Generally speaking the longer you wait to have something the more you will appreciate it. If you reserve sex for marriage you will daily reap the emotional reward that comes with mature decision to preserve sex for your future marriage’ (Murphy 2010:55).

Work Cited

Murphy H 2010. The seven pillars of wisdom for teenagers

Dean R 2011. Love sex and dating: Am I crazy for waiting until marriage

Marriage is not an answer for loneliness

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The society that we live in has the notion that all needs are completely met in sexual relationship whether you are married or not. This means loneliness is part of this notion. Genesis 2:18 is always used during marriage and normally interpreted within our cultural framework. And in various occasions, some Christians tend to say that Genesis 2:18 states that Adam had a personal need and therefore God had to make a plan to fulfill this need. This is totally untrue. The Bible does not state that Adam complained about loneliness to God. However, the passage says that God looked at Adam and said that it is not good for him to be alone. This simply means that Adam had huge responsibility to handle and therefore he needed a helper. This is very clear that God invented marriage for the purpose of serving him better in His world. God also made it clear that the remedy for human loneliness is having fellowship and friendship with Him as well with one another and not necessarily marriage.

work cited

Ash c 2007. Married for God. Nottingham: IVP

Beginning Today

Beginning Today, i will no longer worry about yesterday. it is in the past and the past will never change,only I can change by choosing to do so.

Beginning Today, I will no longer worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will always be there, waiting for me to make the most out of it. But I cannot make the most of tomorrow without first making the most of today.

Beginning Today, I will look into the mirror and see a person worthy of my respect and admiration.

Beginning Today, i will cherish each moment of my life. I value this Gift bestowed upon me in the world and I will unselfishly share the gift with others. I will use this gift to enhance the life of others.

Beginning Today, I will take life one today at a time. one step at a time. Discouragement will not be allowed to taint my positive self- image. I believe there is hope for a brighter and better future.

Beginning Today, I will open my mind and my heart I will meet new people. I will not perfection from myself nor anyone else perfection does not exist in imperfect world. But i will applaud the attempt to overcome human foibles.

Beginning Today, I am responsible for my own happiness and i will do things that makes me happy admire the beautiful wonders of nature, listen to my favorite music… pleasure can be found in the most simple gestures.

Beginning Today, i will learn something new. I will try something different. I will change what i can and rest I will let go. I will strive to be come the best that I can possibly be.

Beginning Today and Everyday.

Teen Creed


Don’t let your parent down, they brought you up. be humble enough to obey. you may give orders someday. Choose companions with care for you to become what they are. guard your thoughts, what you think you are. choose only a date, who would be good mate. Be a master of your habits or they will master you.Don’t be a show off when you drive, drive with care and arrive. Don’t let the crowd pressure you, stand up for something or you will fall for anything.